Pupil Progress
Open Evenings are held in the autumn and spring terms. All parents are invited to school to discuss their child's progress and development with the class teacher. In addition, there are three Open Afternoons each year when parents have the opportunity to visit school during the afternoon to view work alongside their children.
Parents of children in all classes will receive an Individual Report towards the end of Term 6. Statutory assessments takes place at the end of Key Stage 2 (Years 6) and all children in Year 1 are screened to assess whether they have met the expected standard in Phonics; information regarding individual attainment is included with the Individual Report at these times. Parents are always offered the opportunity to discuss the Individual Report.
Regular assessments of progress are made throughout the year as part of normal classroom lesson time. These assessments may be used to inform the planning of future work and class groupings. In the Foundation Stage, these assessments are used to inform the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile which tracks progress during a child's first year in school.
We are always available to discuss your child's progress - please make an appointment with your child's class teacher or via the school office.