A busy week

Visits and Visitors
The week started with our Reception class visiting the lambs at Croft Farm. The children were delighted to meet the new arrivals and learn about their care.
On Thursday, we welcomed Carl Blackman of Inspire+: Carl led this year's Olympic Legacy assembly, ably supported by our Bronze Sports Ambassadors who received the torch and added a message of encouragement to the tour flag which will head the opening ceremony of the South-west Lincolnshire Mini Olympics which will take place next term. After the assembly, KS1 enjoyed playing the paralympic sport 'boccia'.
Coronavirus has of course dominated the news this week. We are asking all parents and carers to follow government guidelines regarding self-isolation. If a child is suffering from a high temperature or develops a continuous cough, they should be kept at home for seven days. In school, we are encouraging our children to wash their hands thoroughly to reduce the risk of transmission.