A busy week...

We have welcomed two visitors this week to enrich the children's understanding of the world
On Tuesday, we were delighted to welcome Sunita Patel into school to run an Indian Experience Day for the children in the Foundation Stage and KS1. The children had the opportunity to listen to stories, create beautiful Rangoli patterns and learn Indian dances as part of their India topic- a wonderful time was had by all! See the Gallery under PUPILS to see more pictures from the day.
On Friday, we welcomed Liz Turnbull of the RHYCO charity into school. This charity works with children aged 5 to 10 in Nairobi who do not go to school. The Real Hope Community Programme prepares children for school and runs a centre with after-school and holiday provision. As a school, we are keen to develop links with the charity and the children and staff will be encouraged to think about how this might be achieved in the coming weeks.
The Swimming Team entered the South-West Lincolnshire Gala on Thursday; they were placed second. Meanwhile, the football team played Bluecoat and won their match 5-0.