An Uffington Christmas

We wish all our families and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As always, Christmas has been a special time in school: celebrations began with our customary art day resulting in work from each class being displayed throughout the school. Children from the Foundation Stage and Y1 greatly enjoyed their very muddy visit to Tallington Christmas Tree Farm and chose the beautiful tree which is adding a festive touch to the office entrance. With the help of Fr Aran, and Liz and Les of Uffington Church, everyone enjoyed making their Christingles and taking part in the service in church.
This year’s Nativity play ‘Prickly Hay’ was a truly joyous occasion; congratulations to all the children and staff who worked so hard to stage this production, not forgetting the parents who kindly gave up their time to erect and dismantle the stage.
This year’s Christmas treat was a visit to see Cinderella at The Cresset and the last week of term began with the annual Winter Wonderland fun run: the children had a great time running with their friends around the field in their Christmas jumpers and Santa hats as they raised money for Save the Children. The children also enjoyed their Christmas lunch complete with home-made crackers made by our Environment Ambassadors and School Councillors.
Finally, Fritz, the Reach for the Stars ‘elf on the shelf’ has taken the school by storm! We have all been entertained by his antics including the weekly announcement of which staff are on the ‘good list’ and ‘naughty list’!
School has now closed for the holidays. We return on Monday 6th January. Should you need to contact us over the holiday period, please email - we can't guarantee an immediate response but will do our best!
in the meantime, everyone at Uffington wishes you a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.