A very busy week
Read on to find out more...
It's almost the end of term but life continues at its usual Uffington pace!
Our Reception and KS1 classes enjoyed a wonderful day at Hamerton Zoo. The weather wasn't brilliant but that did not curb the children's enthusiasm as they learned all about the animals and even took part in a handling session which seemed to be everyone's favourite part. These children also delighted us all on Tuesday as they led our worship in church on the theme of 'Water'.
Uffington Flower Festival took place over the weekend with the Casewick Chapel dedicated to the school; each class made a large display depicting a favourite Old Testament story from 'Open the Book' and children brought posies of flowers from home which were placed in tiny milk bottles to make a wonderfully colourful display. Fr Aran led a service for us to give thanks for the wonderful world in which we live.
Children from Years 1 to 6 enjoyed an 'Environment Day' tidying the garden and school grounds. Y3/4 got to work on litter picking and weeding, KS1 cleared the outdoor classroom and tidied the gravel areas, while Y5/6 enjoyed cutting back the shrubs and collecting the trimmings with great gusto! The children in KS1 have worked out that with everyone helping, we completed over 70 hours of work - Well done Everyone!
Finally, the Y5/6 cricket team played in the South West Lincolnshire competition last week; they came second, missing County qualification by just three runs! Meanwhile, the Y4/5 cricket team played in the County finals on Tuesday. They played brilliantly and were placed second overall - a fantastic achievement for our little school - Well done!
Please click on the links below to see more pictures and a selection of thank you letters written by KS1.