Mothering Sunday Celebrations

Lots of lovely activities for Mothering Sunday...
Last week saw a number of activities as we marked Mothering Sunday in school. On Friday, the PTA ran their ever-popular gift shop stocked with generous donations from our families; this is always a good fundraiser and extremely popular with the children (and their Mums!)
In the afternoon, Miss Johnston's class had the important job of leading a special act of worship in Uffington Church: the children led the service with great confidence and delighted us with their singing and poetry. This was followed by an impromptu performance of their Scottish country dancing in the playground which was greatly enjoyed by all - a real 'Uffington moment'.
Finally, it was wonderful to see so many families in Uffington Church for the group Mothering Sunday service. Many thanks to all those who helped to prepare the service and the flowers which we were able to present to our mothers and special friends.