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Uffington Church of England Primary School

Preparing for the future; living life in all its fullness

A Busy Week

As always, there's plenty going on at Uffington School...

This week, Matt and the team from Fenland Adventure came into school to lead a day of outdoor activities. All the children had the opportunity to spend half a day trying archery and enjoying the mobile climbing wall.

We have also enjoyed the new books which have been donated by Allison Homes. On Friday morning, we were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school for a 'Drop in and Read' session.

It is the Uffington Scarecrow Festival this weekend. The PTA have been working really hard to prepare for this very popular event and will be running a barbecue, popcorn stall, traditional games and a sweet and toy tombola. The event runs on Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 11am - 4pm. Please come along and support us as we work towards raising funds to buy nine new laptops to join the six which arrived just before Easter.

Work on the replacement of the roof is ongoing, but we are hoping that this will soon be completed. In anticipation of the removal of the scaffolding, we have now placed the order for the equipment we need to complete our outdoor learning area. Let's hope that we have a good summer, so that all the children can make the most of this newly-developed space.

Contact Us

School Lane, Uffington, Stamford, PE9 4SU