Happy New Year
A very happy new year to you all
We hope that you have all had a very happy Christmas. Term has begun today and we look forward to getting back into the routine of school.
The teachers have planned exciting topics for their classes and there will be a number of trips and other special events to bring the curriculum to life - dates for the term will be published shortly.
This term, children in the Foundation Stage, Y1, Y5 and Y6 will swim with the first session scheduled for Friday 12th January. Children in Years 3 and 4 will travel to the Bluecoat School on Friday mornings for gym with Mrs Swanson. Clubs and other extra-curricular activities will begin next week - I am delighted that Vicky Palmer of Two Little Birds will be returning to school to offer a sewing club on Mondays after school.
For those of you who wish to apply for a place in the Reception class for September 2018, the deadline for applications is 15th January. If you would like to visit the school, please do not hesitate to get in touch - a warm welcome awaits you!